Town of Salem 2 The Way of the Fake Seer

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Town of Salem 2 The Way of the Fake Seer


Reaction testing is the act of accusing someone during the day to see how they react. This is very similar to the quick-execute of a Jailor. The primary difference to reaction testing is that everyone gets to weigh in.

Reaction testing generally works best when you are unconfirmed but can easily confirm yourself. Mayor, Deputy, Prosecutor are all strong reaction testers. Veteran is tempting to reaction test with, but it rarely works out at night.

The best part of reaction testing is you can recant everything if someone is a strong claim, has a proper defense on stand, or also reveals. It also makes you look incredibly town, so in high level lobbies I highly suggest doing it as evil.

Reaction Testing Math

In a typical ranked setup, there is a 6/15 chance that someone random is evil. Including yourself (assuming town), this number improves to 6/14.

However, because Town Power exists, anyone who is (or is ballsy enough to claim) Tpow will instantly force a recant of the reaction test. In a worst-case scenario, odds have improved to 6/13.

Considering that N1 typically involves death, a single death puts this strategy into viability at 6/12 (50%). Sometimes there will be other deaths N1 which only further boost reaction testing as a strategy.

If you are an instantly confirmable role like Mayor, Prosecutor, or Deputy, I highly suggest random lynching/shooting if you have to recant. If the accused is likely good, we can assume odds have further improved to at least 6/11.

Why Seer?

In TOS1, reaction testing was typically done by faking Sheriff, typically by NK players who’d rather gamble with odds than fight fair.

Seer is objectively the best reaction testing claim for the following reasons.

Single-target TI’s like Investigator or Sheriff tunnel a single player, reducing town’s ability to judge with reason. Evils can easily push for a mislynch off of a single-target reaction test gone out of control.

Lookout, Spy, and Tracker reaction tests are inferior as it more often than not outs yourself as fake to evils. The point of the reaction test is to make them think you are real. Best case scenario, they defend themselves by calling you fake. Worst case scenario, you get hung for “being a Random Neutral.”

Multi-target TI reaction tests are far more likely to hit an actual evil, as you get multiple shots. Seers and psychics make good reaction testers.

However, psychic ought to be ruled out. The current social climate is that psychic is faked extremely often. Tpow will fake it, veterans will fake it, evils will fake it, so don’t use it. Psychic is usually the last TI will to be followed. An unused reaction test leaves room for fake TIs to mislynch town. What’s the point of gambling if you can’t gamble? Further, putting a dead person in will just makes you look like a pushy neutral.

But Seer? Oh God, where do I start.

People for some reason love Seer claims. I don’t get it. It’s a really strong TI role, sure, but good lord the number of times a Conjurer panic nukes, or a Deputy shoots an evil in my fake will, etc. etc. is painfully high. Town will NOT ignore a Seer will unlike psychic wills. In fact, if there are psychics they will likely be completely ignored in favor of your glorious “ENEMIES” will.

There is a risk that you can hit multiple coven as seer, but coven can’t out you without admitting. This will infuriate them as they will see you as a neutral that has TP coverage. The salt in public lobbies will be so strong that you can keep finding enemies until coven DC’s.

Town will never be passive because you can find enemies every night. Shrouds can’t do anything against Seer double visit, because you aren’t a seer.

TP LOVES going on “confirmed” Seers. Use this to your advantage.

Further, reaction testing as Seer hard counters D2 exe/jest plays. People will follow the much stronger Seer claim before any of the exe’s novel spy play, lazy sheriff, or praying investigator wills work.

Forbidden Jutsu

The way of the Seer is a dangerous one. There are paths of forbidden Seer jutsu is lonely and difficult, but rewarding if you are confident.

Seer Jutsu is to always claim Seer, regardless of role. I mean it. Good, evil, doesn’t matter. Seer.

Seer Jutsu is to never be Seer. You are never seer, but you are always seer. This is the way.

Reaction testing as non-typical town roles is generally ill-advised; However, you remove pressure from the typical scum-readers (TPOWs and TKs), letting them act more rationally. The mental advantage of this is profound, as your games will be full of seemingly smarter players.

Even as TI, faking Seer is recommended if you don’t immediately out an evil N1 (as you can remove your N1 target from the random pick pool, improving your odds).

There are a few techniques to Seer Jutsu:

Scum reading
The obvious vote-reading techniques apply here, as well as speaking activity during days. Some people scum read based on the amount of non-relevant (e.g. “oh wow rip”) information someone says, but I don’t recommend this except in lobbies that feel overactive.

Speed Modify
Setting up your fake Seer will in the textbox is highly advised. Post instantly whenever possible. However, if a TI doesn’t die N1, I recommend preparing to modify one of your numbers extremely quickly. Evils typically don’t all claim TI, so modifying in this manner works out.

Reverse Psychology
If you are a reg or just want to be spicy, just tell everyone openly that your Seer will is fake. Don’t whisper it, you’ll get hung. Post along with your results that you will is fake. Then, never question your results.

Forbidden Town Protective Claim
If you are TP and are in a game where an LO saw you visit TPLO, faking Seer makes it obvious to anyone that reads wills that you are reaction testing. You can’t be jester, as you were seen visiting. You’re obviously fake, but town will oblige you so long as you are confident you hit an evil. Smart LOs know that you are reaction testing and will shut up.

If you get Seer, congratulations. You are nearly invincible. If you don’t find enemies N1, pick two entirely different people and find them enemies. You will hit baddies. Trust me bro.

If two TIs have actionable results, chances are at least one of them is town. Do not follow your reaction test will during voting. Instead, force whisper claims and pray town goes on the actual information. Don’t be too loud about your info.